
Biblical Oneness

What do we mean by KINGdom commUNITY?

KINGdom CommUNITY is the idea that because of King Jesus (His death, burial and resurrection) we can live in unity while being a school that is reflective of creation, our surrounding community, and more importantly a reflection of God's Kingdom as we celebrate racial diversity, cultural awareness, and belonging here at Southside Christian School.

Scripture shows that people from every nation, tribe, and tongue have been a part of God's design in creation and that Jesus came and died to make a way for all people to be in relationship with Him. Therefore, all people are image-bearers and those who accept Jesus are a part of His Kingdom of believers. If that is important to our Savior, then certainly it should be important to us here at Southside Christian School as we live in KINGdom CommUNITY.

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    God’s story is revealed to us in Scripture from Genesis to the end of Revelation, revealing God’s creativity, power, and love through the beauty and diversity present in God's creation. This is beautifully shown in the creation of mankind in His image and likeness in Genesis 1, to the description of His people (from every nation, tribe, and tongue) around the throne in Revelation 7. Throughout Scripture, we see God's love towards all people when He makes a covenant with Abraham to make him the father of many nations as well as promising, "All the peoples on earth will be blessed through you." (Gen. 12:3)

    In the New Testament, we see God fulfill His covenant promise to Abraham by sending Jesus as the Messiah. As He walks on this earth, He repeatedly speaks to the racial tension between Israel and the Samaritans and interacts with people of all backgrounds (i.e. The Canaanite woman and the Roman soldier). Ultimately, He goes to the cross on behalf of all sinners, to reconcile us to God the father and to our spiritual brothers and sisters in Christ. He commands His disciples to go into all the world and make disciples. As the apostles obey Jesus' command, we see the gospel spread from Jerusalem to Rome and the resulting tension between the Jews and Gentiles. In Ephesians 2, Paul writes that the dividing wall has been torn down, and he calls for unity in the body which echoes Jesus' call for unity among His disciples. (John 17)

Sabre Nation,

We are committed to lead SCS on an intentional path to improve racial diversity, cultural awareness and belonging in a gospel-centered, biblically consistent, and God-honoring way.

Our work on biblical unity is the fruit of believers coming together through conversation and prayer who desire to glorify God through a school that mirrors His Kingdom, and not cultural, political, or social movements.

In Christ and for His School,
Dr. Sam Barfell
How do we cultivate KINGdom CommUNITY at SCS?

We dedicate one week every year to celebrate our international students.

We provide activities and learning, in conjunction with nationally recognized cultural heritage months.

We have a Biblical Oneness Advisory Group of staff, parents, and students to help us intentionally work towards KINGdom CommUNITY in the SCS community.

We have formal and informal professional development for all staff including presentations, books, and guest speakers.

We recurrently evaluate school curriculum and materials using only those that promote KINGdom CommUNITY.